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Zayda has a serious case of diarrhea. So bob finds this a perfect time to punish her for not wearing a diaper, again, when she needs to go potty. He has her wrists bound high above her head. She is wearing a pair of light blue tights and jumping all around in what can best be described as the poo-poo dance. She is desperately trying to hold it in and begging bob to let her just go. He tells her no, and suggest she simply let her bowels go right there in her tights. She is completely unable to hold in the diarrhea and as soon as bob tells her she can release it a massive amount of liquid-y poo comes erupting from her asshole, through the tights and onto the floor beneath her –like a volcano. It really is one of the biggest poo explosions on record. She feels better now, but bob makes her stand in it and smell it for further punishment. In fact, he heads off to get something to eat and leaves her there begging to be let go, **** running down both of her legs.